FilmFest AAUW Redlands on 4/25
April 25 @ 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Join AAUW Redlands at FilmFest on April 25th for an evening of food, drinks, prizes and short films made by women for everyone.
This Film Festival in Redlands provides an enjoyable evening of film, food and fellowship, while showcasing women filmmakers and issues that impact women.
Starting at 5:45 pm, join us for a reception with hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer from Escape Brewery, and desserts in the Esri Cafe. Opportunity tickets may be purchased for a chance to win prize baskets. Attendees move to the auditorium at 7 pm to see short films that are funny, thought-provoking, artistic and inspiring.
Film Fest serves as a fundraiser for the Redlands Branch of the American Association of University Women’s Mission Fund providing scholarships, STEM education and empowerment for local girls and women.
Interested in sponsoring our event? Visit our sponsorship page.
Feel free to contact with questions.
Oscar Sponsor: