On Air
Mon - Fri: 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Help Those Affected by the California Wildfires

From the Pacific Palisades to Pasadena, more than 10,000 homes and business have been destroyed by the fires. Join us in supporting the American Red Cross.  Your donation enables the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to

Chrysalis Can Help You Find Transitional Work

The SoCal nonprofit Chrysalis has launched in the Inland Empire and is a great resource to help you find a transitional job. The goal is that the paid job will help you get back on your feet,

Mobile Crisis Response for Behavioral Health Available 24/7/365

San Bernardino County's Department of Behavioral Health expanded its mobile crisis services to 24/7/365. The mobile crisis response teams are available for individuals of all ages experiencing a psychiatric emergency and/or needing crisis intervention. Services are available

Donate to the Animals Are First Fund (ARFF)

Animals Are First Fund (ARFF) is a non-profit organization that provides support services for animals cared for and housed at animal shelters operated by San Bernardino County Animal Care. Consider giving in memory of a loved one

Behavioral Health Resources in the Inland Empire

HELP IS JUSTTHREE NUMBERS AWAY: 988 Call the Lifeline 988 Chat with Lifeline Scan the QR code for more information on behavioral health resources in Riverside and San Bernardino County or contact your nearest clinic from the

Blood Donations Are URGENTLY Needed

LifeStream Blood Bank is experiencing an emergency blood shortage. Due to the local wildfires and poor air quality, dozens of blood drives have been canceled. Your donation is critical to saving lives! All blood types are needed.

Inland Empire Hounds – Full Schedule Out!

KCAl alum, Dubl R is back as color commentator for the Inland Empire Hounds! Please find their full schedule below and you can always check for updates on Instagram @iehounds. All home games are at Norton Gymnasium
